Reduce Your Holiday Stress by Creating Your Money Plan Today!

Reduce Your Holiday Stress by Creating Your Money Plan Today!

The holidays are just a few weeks away.  Yes, it’s true!

Now is the time to set some goals to help the fall and winter holidays to be enjoyable and fulfilling rather than stressful and expensive.  Anxiety has a way of taking away all the fun, excitement, and even peace that the holiday season can bring.

Here are a few things to consider now, so you can enjoy those moments that the pumpkin spice, Hallmark holiday movies and twinkling neighborhood lights can bring!

  • Determine what your budget will look like. Create a list of expenses, set expense limits, and have open communication so your family members are on the same page.
  • Consider low-cost ways to celebrate. Get crafty, simplify gatherings and plan ahead.
  • Be honest! Prioritize what activities or expenses are top priority, and learn to say “no”, or “not this year”.
  • Determine values. What you value most, such as family time, avoiding debt, or sharing homemade goodies, go on the top of the list.  Be willing to remove what you value less in order to enjoy what matters most.
  • Be confident in your choices! You have a right to do what is best for you and the wellbeing of your family.
  • Set time aside to destress and practice mindfulness. Quiet time such as a walk in nature or some hot tea and a good book can help you relax body and mind.
  • Focus on what you are grateful for. Being grateful helps us be happy with what we have rather than being frustrated by what we want.
  • Budget time not only money. Time is a gift and sometimes the best gift we can receive (and give) may be the gift of time.  Time to appreciate those we love and the simple joys the holiday season brings.

If you’d like some guidance on setting money goals and planning for the holidays, I can help!  When planning for any unique season in life, determining priorities and what matters most helps set realistic goals and sometimes opens up ideas for simplifying.

For me, some of my favorite holiday moments are relaxed conversations with family over coffee and cookies, or a cozy car ride around the neighborhood looking at lights. Plan early, and if you’d like to chat, CLICK HERE to schedule your Personal Financial Coaching session.


Lisa Atkinson
TFCU | Personal Financial Coach

As a Personal Financial Coach, I do not provide legal or tax advice. Tucson Federal Credit Union does not guarantee that this service will achieve any particular objective or outcome. For any legal advice, please seek the advice of an attorney or tax professional.